قائمة الأوامر أو التعليمات - traducción al Inglés
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قائمة الأوامر أو التعليمات - traducción al Inglés

Rahmah bin Jabir al-Jalahmah; Rahmah bin Jabir al-Jalahimah; رحمة بن جابر بن عذبي الجلهمي أو الجلاهمة; Rahmah ibn Jabr; Rahmah ibn Jabir al-Jalahimah; Rahmah ibn Jabir Al Jalhami

command list         
Screen space; Baking (computer graphics); Render mapping; Screen-space; Array textures; Swizzled texture; Rendering primitive; Geometry (computer graphics); Occlusion queries; Transform feedback; Fixed-function pipeline; Lumel; Command buffer; Rendering API; Weight maps; Outcodes (computer graphics); 3d camera coordinate system; 3d world coordinate system; Triangle setup engine; Modelling primitive (computer graphics); Clip window; Analytic model; Repeating textures; Trivial reject; Trivial accept; Premultiplied by alpha; Linear Dodge; RGB image; 7e3; Repeating texture; Point sprites; Specular exponent; G-buffer; Render to texture; Texture buffers; Render target; Bit depth (computer graphics); 3D scene; AZDO; View vector; Surface normal vector; Shadow buffer; Vector maths libraries; Vector maths library; Trivial rejection; RGB color values; Vertex buffers; Vertex buffer; Rendering resource; Vertex Buffer; Tiled forward rendering; Forward rendering; Predicated rendering; Command list; RGB color value; Texture sampling unit; Fixed-function unit; Texture sampling; Triangle setup; Triangle primitive; Weight map; Intersection test; Test for overlap; Trivially accepted; Fixed function units; Grid cell indices; Edge vector; Image generator; Index buffer; Color resolution; Physically correct rendering; Incremental error algorithm; Planar image format; Recursive subdivision; Texture cache; Vertex cache; UV coordinate; Sliver triangle; Unified memory; Vertex weighting; 3D paint tool; 4×4 matrix; RGB888; Spatial hashing; Deformation lattice; Blend operation; Wireframe rendering; Fixed function unit
قائمة الأوامر أو التعليمات
قائمة الأوامر أو التعليمات      

command list

جنس من النباتات
Ocimum; ريحان (جنس); قائمة أنواع الحبق; أنواع الحبق

sweet basil


Rahmah ibn Jabir al-Jalhami

Rahmah ibn Jabir ibn Adhbi al-Jalhami (Arabic: رحمة بن جابر بن عذبي الجلهمي; c. 1760–1826) was an Arab ruler in the Persian Gulf region and was described by his contemporary, the English traveler and author, James Silk Buckingham, as 'the most successful and the most generally tolerated pirate, perhaps, that ever infested any sea.'

As a pirate, he had a reputation for being ruthless and fearless. He wore an eyepatch after losing an eye in battle, which makes him the earliest documented pirate to have worn an eyepatch. He was described by the British statesman Charles Belgrave as 'one of the most vivid characters the Persian Gulf has produced, a daring freebooter without fear or mercy' (ironically, his first name means 'mercy' in Arabic).

He began life as a horse dealer, and he used the money he saved to buy his first ship and with ten companions began a career of buccaneering. He was so successful that he soon acquired a new craft: a 300-ton boat, manned by 350 men. He would later have as many as 2000 followers, many of them black slaves. At one point his flagship was the 'Al-Manowar' (derived from English).